We bring communication
and interaction
to life

We support and challenge leaders and professionals to develop an inspiring and impactful communication and interaction to transform organizations and create new opportunities.

" Communication
is theater,
every interaction a game! "


We create the best offer according to your needs
(one-to-one, groups, online, classroom, e-learning, video training, coaching).


Communication styles : how to match?

Find your communication style and how to match with others. Through role-playing and other tools, learn how to decode communication games and the often ineffective strategies in order to react in a different way and to increase the potential of the relationship.

Leadership and presence!

An exceptional offer for middle and senior managers combining an original, playful and dynamic approach to leadership, energy and presence management with a reflection on the leadership challenges in a complex, changing, uncertain and high-stress environment.

Engage your audience!

Make your speech or presentation a unique experience. Through concrete practical acting and storytelling tools, engage and transform your audience and maintain the energy.

Master difficult situations!

Master difficult situations (feedback, interviews, customer relationships, difficult personalities, and so on) through a structured methodology based on role-playing and experience to identify concrete resolution and prevention strategies.

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Team coaching

Build a strong communication culture based on concrete and up-to-date skills to reinforce your teams.
We don’t have the truth; we help you to find yours!


Experience one of the topics communication uncertainty change leadership storytelling pitch in a fresh and memorable conference!


Bring your corporate event to life with professional moderation!


« Olivier has given me coaching session to improve my presentation skills when presenting PPT and when delivering training to a Medical Affairs audience. He picked up clearly my weaknesses and also gave me feedback on my strengths, which is good to know as I didn’t noticed all of them. He helped me worked on my weaknesses by giving me recommendations about how to identify and communicate the key messages, as well as on the vocabulary to modify/use depending on the strength of the message I wanted to pass to the audience. Additionally he also help me worked on the pace of the presentation: when to slow down, when and why to emphasize part of the presentation, when to pause to strengthen the messages or let time to think to the audience, and how to end efficiently a presentation.
I warmly recommend you to work with Olivier, as he will create a dedicated solution to you in a safe and friendly atmosphere. »

Formerly Outcomes Research Head, Global Medical Affairs

« Ich habe während vieler Jahre mit Frau Minder zusammengearbeitet. Sie war jederzeit eine kompetente und empathische Ansprechpartnerin für meine Mitarbeiter und für mich. Immer wieder ist es ihr gelungen, heikle Situationen zu entschärfen und Mitarbeiter in schwierigen Situationen schnell zu unterstützen. Sie hat sich kontinuierlich ein hervorragendes professionelles Knowhow in Psychologie und Psychotherapie aneignet und sie weiss dieses situativ, auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten und auf äussert sympathische Weise einzusetzen. Ich kann sie bestens für Personen empfehlen, die effiziente und effektive Unterstützung in einer schwierigen Situation benötigen. »

Dr. Peter Buomberger, vormaliger Führungsverantwortlicher in der Finanzindustrie

« Olivier est un formateur surprenant, hors du commun. Il sait capter l’attention et rendre n’importe quel sujet intéressant. Les méthodes pertinentes qu’il met en place m’ont permises de réellement apprendre et intégrer la matière au point que je ne m’en suis pas rendue compte tout de suite. C’est lorsqu’on devient ce qu’on apprend, qu’on sait que le formateur est réellement doué. C’est pour moi mon plus grand “meilleur exemple” de la professionnelle que je souhaite devenir. »

Responsable de cours spécialisés, Landi Suisse

« Olivier est un communicateur de talent qui possède un cocktail vitaminé de compétences et d’expertises. Il allie avec agilité humour et pertinence pour faire passer des sujets complexes en toute simplicité. Si vous attendiez un signe pour booster vos compétences et celles de vos équipes, c’est maintenant! »

Learning & operational excellence project manager, HR
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Olivier Tilleux Ph.D.

​​After studying psychology, communication and sociology (PhD at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve), Olivier Tilleux has held various positions in research, corporate training, higher education and the public sector. He’s been training, coaching and supporting professionals and leaders for over 15 years in various sectors in highly complex contexts of uncertainty and change. As a professional actor (Mons-Belgium Conservatory, Rits Brussels and iO Theater Chicago), he combines solid content with a lot of creativity and makes his offers unique experiences.  

Lic. phil. Ursina Minder

Ursina Minder works as a coach and therapist. After studying social and business psychology at the University of Zurich, she trained as psychotherapist and hypnotherapist with internationally renowned teachers, including Dr. med. Dipl.-Volksw. Gunther Schmidt. Ursina Minder has also worked for international companies and as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland.


Areal 44 Sàrl

Oberer Quai 12
2502 Biel/Bienne
